InfoSum achieves ISO 27001 certification

InfoSum achieves ISO 27001 certification
Ben Cicchetti
Tuesday, April 16, 2019

We are proud to announce that InfoSum has recently achieved ISO 27001 certification. This family of standards, developed by the leading information security experts, provide a framework which helps businesses manage and protect their information assets so that they remain safe and secure. Through this process, we formally put in place a system of controls, known as an Information Security Management System (ISMS), which can be audited and certified as compliant.

A particular focus of this accreditation is an assessment of an organization's information security risks, in order to ensure appropriate safeguards and processes are implemented to present such risks taking place.

Riki Dolby, Director of Engineering, commented.

Achieving this certification provides official recognition of our continued commitment to protecting our client's most valuable asset, their data.

“Joining InfoSum in April 2018, it was evident to me that information security had been at the core of the business since its inception. The team has an uncompromising drive to deliver technology that enables businesses to unlock insights from their data while promoting data privacy and security. Our customers trust us to protect their data, so we have taken a security-by-design approach to every element of infrastructure, development and deployment. This commitment to information security has made the process of achieving ISO 27001 exceptionally smooth.

“Through this process, I have been pleased to see an even greater awareness and engagement from employees across the business into the importance of the security measures we have implemented and provided an opportunity for the entire team to better understand the role each of them plays in information security.”

InfoSum’s technology is built on a simple premise - it is possible to connect and collaborate on various data sources, without ever putting your data at risk. As a business we have gone through various external verification exercises, including regular penetration tests, to demonstrate how our technology has been designed to promote data security and privacy. This latest certification provides recognition of the level of drive within InfoSum to protect our clients and their data.

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