Platform Privacy

Guaranteeing Privacy
Delivering Precision
Unleashing Performance
Private house in the forest

Privacy by default

InfoSum’s data collaboration platform and secure data clean room utilize patented privacy-enhancing technology to ensure the safety of clients, partners, and their customers. 

Committed to being privacy by default, InfoSum empowers organizations to enhance the value and performance of their data while maintaining complete ownership and control of it and prioritizing consumer privacy.

InfoSum leverages five layers of patented technology to secure data for clients, partners, and data subjects.

Five layers of patented privacy-enhancing technology

Decentralized data Bunkers

All data processing occurs where the data is located, within the secure Bunker owned and controlled by each collaborator. Bunkers ensure data is never combined, commingled, or co-located during the collaboration. All data remains within its secure environment while enabling instant matching and analysis across multiple datasets.

Privacy Diagram - Decentralized data Bunkers
Privacy Diagram - Secure multi-party computation

Secure multi-party computation

InfoSum is unique in our ability to run advanced computation across unlimited datasets at rapid speeds and with the highest safety. All data remains fully encrypted, obfuscated, and decentralized within a secure Bunker owned and controlled by the data owners themselves. InfoSum guarantees no sensitive data can ever be identified, leaked, exposed, or misused using our non-movement of data policy.

Bespoke trust and permission controls

InfoSum empowers organizations to extract the full potential from first-party data with hyper-granular permission and access controls that define what data can be used, for what purpose, at what granularity, and for what duration down to the key and attribute level. These permissions never grant access to the underlying data and can be retracted anytime.

Privacy Diagram - Bespoke trust and permission controls
Privacy Diagram - Advanced differential privacy techniques

Advanced differential privacy techniques

With advanced differential privacy techniques, the privacy of all underlying data subjects is preserved. These techniques include redaction thresholds, rounding, and noise injection to mask identifiable characteristics. These default privacy settings ensure that even with detailed queries, no single individual can be reidentified, upholding consumer privacy.

Private Path synthetic ID protocol

InfoSum provides direct connectivity and choice across ID resolution, enrichment, and measurement providers to streamline and enhance data-driven strategies with complete flexibility. Insights can be safely exchanged between organizations using our patented synthetic ID process to enable advanced analysis with complete protection.

Private Path synthetic ID protocol

Privacy Protection in Practice

Bunker Icon


All PII and personal identifiers are salted and hashed and remain encrypted at rest within a secure decentralized Bunker within its regulatory region.

Normalisation Icon


Data is normalized to pseudonymize personal data, and map it to our global schema for privacy-preserving connectivity.

Abstraction Icon


A mathematical model is created that is an abstraction of the data, which is impossible to enumerate or extract. This model powers collaboration.

Permissions Icon


Only the creator of a Bunker can access it, and our comprehensive permissions system protects the ability to run analysis against a Bunker.

Querying Icon


All results are presented at an aggregate statistical level, with multiple differential privacy techniques applied to ensure no individuals can ever be re-identified.

Execution Icon


Activation platforms only receive data on subjects already known to them. Exports for enrichment and measurement leverage synthetic IDs that obfuscate all PII.


Our Secure & Privacy Safe products

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