Live discussion

Unlocking data’s full potential through collaboration

Tuesday, March 9, 2021
Lauren Wetzel
Lara Izlan
Louqman Parampath
Emily Del Greco
Bruce Biegel

Data collaboration is emerging as the key trend in 2021. Due to changes in technology, regulation and consumer attitudes, a new approach to collaboration is needed to unlock data’s full potential and deliver better customer experiences. 

In this live session, we’ll explore new approaches to collaboration and how privacy-first data collaboration can deliver better consumer experiences. Joining InfoSum’s Lauren Wetzel will be Lara Izlan from ITV, Louqman Parampath from Roku and Emily Del Greco from Del Greco Solutions to discuss:

  • How customer-centric collaboration between companies delivers better experiences for consumers
  • Why stopping the risky practice of data sharing and centralization is better for brands, media owners and consumers alike
  • What other industries, like gaming and healthcare, can learn from the collaborations growing in media

Joining Lauren, Lara, Louqman and Emily will be Bruce Biegel from Winterberry Group to discuss the findings of their latest report Collaborative Data Solutions. 

Register now and receive a copy of the report to review ahead of the live discussion.

The discussion panel

Terry Kawaja

Lauren Wetzel

Chief Executive Officer
Terry Kawaja

Lara Izlan

Director of Data Strategy
Terry Kawaja

Louqman Parampath

VP, Product Management - Advertising
Terry Kawaja

Emily Del Greco

Senior Advisor to McKinsey & Founder Del Greco Solutions
Terry Kawaja

Bruce Biegel

Senior Managing Partner
Unlocking data’s full potential through collaboration
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