
Enhanced First-Party Data Collaboration

The InfoSum Secure Data Clean Room enables deep consumer insights using powerful privacy-first data collaboration without risk of data exposure, leakage, or misuse. Organizations can safely connect internal data silos to unlock single customer view or connect to a network of partners to amplify first-party data performance across planning, activation, and measurement use cases.

How it Works


Seamlessly create a bridge between two or more datasets when a common key does not exist to enable multi-party collaboration at scale.


Boost scale and accuracy with Experian 250+ million U.S. consumers and 126+ million households to maximize reach and performance.


Enrich audience profiles with insight from the Experian Consumer View, Auto, or Healthcare datasets to refine and improve targeting.


Build, activate, and optimize audience-based campaigns across top-tier media owners with enriched and enhanced audiences.

Identity Bridge

Easily expand the reach, scale, and accuracy of audience-based campaigns easy with our privacy-safe Identity Bridge. Enabling parties to resolve identities when a common identifier does not exist and generate instant match rates to test partner relevancy and scale.


Maximize retail media network performance with the US's largest consumer data. Benefit from 50+ years of historical information and industry experience, accessing the freshest data compiled from hundreds of sources, and explore thousands of attributes.


Efficiently connect with potential buyers using comprehensive auto-intender intelligence, accessing insights on 800 million+ vehicles across 600+ syndicated audiences in the U.S. and Canada. Target in-market auto shoppers and owners with powerful attributes like make, model, year, price, body style, and detailed purchaser information.


Enhance data strategies with Experian health intelligence for 100% addressable reach. Enrich patient profiles with demographic and lifestyle data. Connect with high-propensity patients such as active health managers, eco-friendly individuals, and regular exercisers.

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