
Data Collaboration Playbook for Brands


Data Collaboration Playbook for Brands


Data Collaboration Playbook for Brands


Data Collaboration Playbook for Brands

Data Collaboration Playbook for Brands

With the industry in flux, brands are turning to first-party data. But it is only through data collaboration that the full potential of first-party data is unlocked.

Faced with signal loss, an increasingly fragmented and siloed media landscape, and rising privacy legislation across the globe, the need for collaboration is now vital. 

Leading brands are building secure data collaboration into their first-party data strategies to reach high-value audiences and deliver better advertising experiences at scale.

Through collaboration, brands can unlock exciting and immediate opportunities to enhance the performance of all data-driven strategies, including insights and planning, activation and measurement - all while prioritizing privacy and without having to ever share, move or centralize data.

Get started today with this data collaboration playbook, where you’ll learn:

  • What data collaboration is and why it is now vital for brands
  • Four key pillars for data collaboration success
  • The role of data clean rooms 
  • A crawl, walk, run approach to data collaboration
  • Case studies of how brands are driving growth through collaboration
Data Collaboration Playbook for Brands

Take your marketing to the next level and start collaborating today:


Data Collaboration Playbook for Brands

With the industry in flux, brands are turning to first-party data. But it is only through data collaboration that the full potential of first-party data is unlocked.

Faced with signal loss, an increasingly fragmented and siloed media landscape, and rising privacy legislation across the globe, the need for collaboration is now vital. 

Leading brands are building secure data collaboration into their first-party data strategies to reach high-value audiences and deliver better advertising experiences at scale.

Through collaboration, brands can unlock exciting and immediate opportunities to enhance the performance of all data-driven strategies, including insights and planning, activation and measurement - all while prioritizing privacy and without having to ever share, move or centralize data.

Get started today with this data collaboration playbook, where you’ll learn:

  • What data collaboration is and why it is now vital for brands
  • Four key pillars for data collaboration success
  • The role of data clean rooms 
  • A crawl, walk, run approach to data collaboration
  • Case studies of how brands are driving growth through collaboration
We are thrilled that with InfoSum we have found a solution that puts data privacy first and enables us to collaborate with brands. By unlocking the power of our first-party data and giving brands access to our marketing channels, we can help accelerate ROI by delivering relevant experiences to customers and ultimately enhance the shopping experience for them.
Peter Markey
Chief Marketing Officer

Global companies trust InfoSum to power their Data Clean Rooms that deliver better data-driven experiences:

Channel 4
Disney Ad Sales
News Corp
Samsung Ads
Trip Advisor