2023 Edition: The Ultimate Guide to Data Clean Rooms


2023 Edition: The Ultimate Guide to Data Clean Rooms


2023 Edition: The Ultimate Guide to Data Clean Rooms


2023 Edition: The Ultimate Guide to Data Clean Rooms

2023 Edition: The Ultimate Guide to Data Clean Rooms

Data clean rooms have become one of the advertising industry’s most sought-after solutions. 

They provide a secure environment where multiple organizations can collaborate to maximize the performance of all data-driven strategies with complete data privacy and protection.

But with an explosion in the number of providers, they are also one of the most misunderstood technologies.

To understand the state of data clean rooms in 2023, download this guide for everything you need to know, including:

  • Opportunities for marketers in the privacy-first era
  • Types of data clean rooms 
  • Core clean room use cases
  • Choosing the right data clean room for your needs
  • How to build a data collaboration strategy
  • Case studies that outline how companies are unlocking value today
2023 Edition: The Ultimate Guide to Data Clean Rooms

Discover how you can maximize the performance of your first-party data:


2023 Edition: The Ultimate Guide to Data Clean Rooms

Data clean rooms have become one of the advertising industry’s most sought-after solutions. 

They provide a secure environment where multiple organizations can collaborate to maximize the performance of all data-driven strategies with complete data privacy and protection.

But with an explosion in the number of providers, they are also one of the most misunderstood technologies.

To understand the state of data clean rooms in 2023, download this guide for everything you need to know, including:

  • Opportunities for marketers in the privacy-first era
  • Types of data clean rooms 
  • Core clean room use cases
  • Choosing the right data clean room for your needs
  • How to build a data collaboration strategy
  • Case studies that outline how companies are unlocking value today
We are thrilled that with InfoSum we have found a solution that puts data privacy first and enables us to collaborate with brands. By unlocking the power of our first-party data and giving brands access to our marketing channels, we can help accelerate ROI by delivering relevant experiences to customers and ultimately enhance the shopping experience for them.
Peter Markey
Chief Marketing Officer

Global companies trust InfoSum to power their Data Clean Rooms that deliver better data-driven experiences:

Channel 4
Disney Ad Sales
News Corp
Samsung Ads
Trip Advisor