I-COM Summit

May 14th - 17th, 2024

Nick Henthorn
SVP Sales, UK and Europe

Delivering performance without sacrificing privacy using first-party data


First-party data is proprietary and sustainable intelligence that an organization can truly own and control. As such, leveraging this data to fuel targeting is the natural and evolutionary progression from unstable third-party data and identifiers. First-party data can be verified, protected, and governed in such a way that it retains its value and creates a natural competitive advantage compared to commoditized third-party data sources. Through first-party data, companies can create richer intelligence, better targeting profiles, more personalization, and sustainable measurement. 

However, first-party data brings fresh challenges to an organization. In particular, there are privacy and security concerns about utilizing first-party data in collaboration with another company to deliver more effective marketing. Data clean rooms provide privacy-safe mechanisms to enable collaboration, but there are many things to consider when using one. This session will seek to demystify the data clean room marketplace and provide guidance on what you need to look out for when leveraging your first-party data in advertising. 

InfoSummers attending I-COM Summit 2024

Nick Henthorn
SVP Sales, UK and Europe
Kate Blaxill
Enterprise Sales Director
Attending this event and want to meet with the team?